Media Release: NGC’s annual Vacation Interns Programme

Media Release

Fostering the potential of our youth through NGC’s annual Vacation Interns Programme

27th June, 2018
Recognising that one of T&T’s greatest assets is the potential of our people, The National Gas Company of Trinidad and Tobago Limited (NGC) seeks to maximise that value by empowering our people with knowledge, competencies and opportunities. NGC supports several youth development programmes that equip our young people with these assets.

NGC’s Vacation Intern Programme provides an opportunity for undergraduate students pursuing programmes in tertiary level institutions to experience corporate life, gain hands-on experience that complement their academic course of study, and learn general life skills. Though academics are critical to the future growth of these young persons, exposure to non-academic areas also contribute to moulding well-rounded citizens. NGC believes that the investment in professional and personal development in our youth will ultimately be a function of the value we can extract from our human capital.

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Photo 01A cross-section of NGC’s 2018 Vacation Interns at their orientation session.
Photo 02The first cohort of NGC’s 2018 Vacation Interns.

Media Release: Focussing on Youth through Interns Programme

Focussing on Youth through a Vacation Interns Programme

Aug 07, 2017
The National Gas Company of Trinidad and Tobago Limited (NGC) supports several youth development programmes in its fenceline and site communities. These programmes involve development of our nation’s youth by equipping them with skills, knowledge and capabilities to ensure that they evolve into well rounded individuals and future leaders.

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Media Release: NGC Delivers All-Round Experience to Interns

NGC Delivers All-Round Experience to its Interns through Mentorship Programme

Every year, The National Gas Company of Trinidad and Tobago Limited (NGC) conducts a Summer Internship and Mentorship Programme. This programme was started 15 years ago and has grown from the placement of University students throughout the Company in areas aligned with their field of study, to a fulsome, comprehensive mentorship programme, which improves capacity and capability through learning sessions. The focus of these sessions is to ensure that along with foundation academic and work experience, the intern receives all-round exposure to critical ideas and experiences. These will help to enhance his or her ‘adult’ life as they graduate and move fully into the world of work.

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