Speech: Launch of Heroes Foundation Comic Book

Speech: Launch of Heroes Foundation Comic Book

NALIS, 25th April, 2019: Remarks by Ronald Adams, VP, Operations, NGC

Good morning.

He moved like a bullet. In just over 10 seconds, he had defeated 4 fierce opponents with his muscle and steely resolve. Such was his strength in that moment that when he raised his arm at the finish, he lifted an entire nation thousands of miles away.

Ladies and gentlemen, the account of Hasely Crawford’s historic Montreal win could easily pass for script from a superhero comic. Better yet, the journey that led him to that achievement, his origin story, brings to mind all the illustrated heroes that rose to greatness from humble beginnings. It is therefore easy to see why the comic book is a perfect medium to share the story of our nation’s first gold-medal Olympian.

In 2018, NGC embarked on a journey with the Heroes Foundation to produce a unique graphic publication that would chronicle the early life and career of His Excellency Hasely Crawford. Today, I am thrilled to help the team launch the completed book: ‘A Runner’s Life—Lessons from an Olympian’. As we hoped, it has turned out to be a magnificent keepsake and important historical record.

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Where Dreams Take Flight – NGC National Heroes Project

Where Dreams Take Flight

NGC National Heroes Project 2018

Celebrating Pat Bishop

As part of the NGC National Heroes Project 2018, the Birdsong Academy paid tribute to the esteemed Dr. Patrica ‘Pat’ Bishop, a champion of the steelpan and national arts.

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NGC National Heroes Project: Pat Bishop

NGC National Heroes Project

Pat Bishop – She Sells Seashells by the Seashore

The National Gas Company of Trinidad and Tobago Limited in association with the Palm Foundation presents NGC National Heroes Project 2018.

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Media Release: Pat Bishop honoured for NGC National Heroes

Media Release

Pat Bishop honoured for NGC National Heroes Project 2018

13th May, 2018
NGC National Heroes Project 2018 was launched in collaboration with the P.A.L.M. Foundation, to honour the lifetime achievements of the late Dr. Pat Bishop, TC. The NGC National Heroes Project is an annual programme that seeks to recognize and preserve the legacies of national contributors, in various fields of endeavour, for future generations.

This year marks the second edition of the Project, which recognised Mr. Hasely Crawford TC as the inaugural honouree in 2017. Pat Bishop was musical director of The Lydian Singers, one of Trinidad’s popular choirs, which was sponsored by NGC from 1991 to 2014. This partnership forged lasting relationships between the Company, Pat and the choir.

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Speech: Launch of NGC’s National Heroes Project 2018

Speech: Launch of NGC’s National Heroes Project 2018

Good evening.

It is my singular honour to welcome you and bring opening remarks this evening, on behalf of NGC, as we launch the 2018 edition of NGC’s National Heroes Project. Ask a child to name a popular hero and many will return with Nelson Mandela, Mother Teresa, maybe Martin Luther King, or quite likely, a superhuman of ‘Avengers’ fame. Iconic heroes, all of them, but they do not belong to us.

NGC is a state enterprise that has built a world-class business on the industry and talent of local people, and we truly value the human capital of Trinidad and Tobago. What we as a people have been able to achieve in various fields of endeavor – energy, sport, music, art – is regarded with awe and respect the world over.

However, as a country, we too often fail to recognise and celebrate our own. The NGC National Heroes project, in some small way, is intended to teach our children to recognise and celebrate our own by having exhibitions such as these open to visits by students from all schools and walks of life. The men and women who have given their lives in service to this country may fade from memory, but through these projects, we intend to immortalise them with tribute.

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Invicta: The Crawford Legacy – Couva

Invicta: The Crawford Legacy

Honouring Our Heroes

NGC and NALIS invite the nation to visit the touring commemorative exhibition honouring the life and achievements of sporting legend Hasely Crawford, TC, who placed Trinidad and Tobago onto the map of international sports and inspired many future local athletes. Come celebrate his contribution to the nation with us.

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Invicta: The Crawford Legacy

Invicta: The Crawford Legacy

Honouring Our Heroes

NGC and NALIS invite the nation to visit the touring commemorative exhibition honouring the life and achievements of sporting legend Hasely Crawford, TC, who placed Trinidad and Tobago onto the map of international sports and inspired many future local athletes. Come celebrate his contribution to the nation with us.

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Media Release: NGC / NALIS Hasely Crawford Exhibit Roadshow

Media Release: NGC/NALIS Launch Hasely Crawford Exhibit Roadshow

Nov 07, 2017
The commemorative exhibit “Invicta – The Crawford Legacy”, which celebrates the life and achievements of Trinidad and Tobago’s first Olympic Gold Medallist, will embark upon a national roadshow, starting at NALIS’ Library, Port of Spain. The National Gas Company of Trinidad and Tobago Limited (NGC) and the National Library Information System Authority (NALIS) have partnered to introduce a very special exhibition into our national library circuit.  It is part of a bigger NGC National Heroes project in which we seek to recognize and preserve the legacies of achievers and national contributors for future generations.

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Photo 01L to R: Marina Salandy Brown; Brigid Anisette George; Hasely Crawford; Sharon Rowley, Janelle Commissiong; Neal Parsanlal, Chairman NALIS and Catherine Romain, Executive Director NALIS at the reading.

Invicta – The Crawford Legacy


The Crawford Legacy

Our culture, our traditions, our stories are the foundations upon which we build our identity.

Speech: Hasely Crawford Curation Launch

Hasely Crawford Curation Launch

July 21, 2017
Good evening. On behalf of NGC I am delighted to address you on the launch of our National Heroes Project. As a state entity and good corporate citizen, NGC has always supported the preservation of our national identity and heritage, built a strong cultural identity and impacted many communities through varying initiatives, with a view to building value for the people of Trinidad and Tobago.

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