When Ability Gets a Sporting Chance

When Ability Gets a Sporting Chance

The landmark sporting initiative, NGC’s Right on Track programme, has grown from strength to strength since we launched in 1999. Inspired by a desire to give young people who had dreams—but few opportunities to achieve them—free access to certified trainers and state-of-the-art equipment in Track and Field and Basketball, it has opened up sporting opportunities as well as other career paths for its participants.

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Media Release: NGC Right on Track Programme Launch

Media Release

NGC Right on Track Programme Launch

Feb 16, 2018
NGC officially launched its NGC Right on Track Programme on 24th January 2018 at Larry Gomes Stadium, Malabar, Arima. This is the 19 th year of NGC Right on Track (ROT) Programme in collaboration with the National Administration of Athletics Administrations (NAAA) and the National Basketball Federation of Trinidad and Tobago (NBFTT) and with the support of IAAF (International Association of Athletics Federations) and FIBA (International Basketball Federation) trained coaches.

The programme consists of:

  • NGC Right on Track Coaching Caravan/Kids’ Athletics Programme (school- and community-based)
  • Mini to Masters Basketball Programme (school- and community-based)

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Speech: Right on Track Launch 2018

Right on Track Launch 2018

Remarks by Lisa Burkett, Manager, Corporate Communications

24th January, 2018
In sport, one of the essential keys to success is teamwork. Without mutual respect, encouragement and support, no athlete can reach his or her full potential. For more than 25 years, NGC has partnered with various national and community-based athletic organisations to elevate sport in Trinidad and Tobago.

NGC continues to recognise the importance of sport and so too the education system, in positively moulding productive citizens. As such, through sports, arts and culture we have taken a strategic approach to developing and empowering our nation’s youth.

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