Speech: Bocas Lit Fest Prize-giving Ceremony

Speech: Bocas Lit Fest Prize-giving Ceremony

Old Fire Station, PoS, 4th May, 2019: Remarks by Mark Loquan, President, NGC

“Let me tell you a story.”

Have you ever noticed how immediately you can grab someone’s attention with those words? How bodies turn instinctively toward you and eyes widen in expectation? Why does the promise of a story elicit this reaction?

Perhaps it is born of curiosity, a love of intrigue, escapism, or a biological tendency toward vicarious learning. Whatever the science behind it, our gravitation to narratives and storytelling makes this medium a powerful and effective one for communication and instruction. Studies have shown that people listening to well-told stories experience brain activity in the same regions as those telling the stories. The implication is that a good story–whether truth or fiction, told through a novel, poetry or even an academic dissertation – can enable people with no connection to the subject matter to feel just as emotionally involved with it as the author. Stories can in this way build empathy, compassion and awareness around realities other than our own.

Ladies and gentlemen, you would agree that much of the discord in the world today can be overcome with more empathy, compassion and awareness.

If we grant that stories can open our minds and create bonds across the differences that divide us, then the people who tell those stories have the power to effect positive social change.

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Speech: Launch of Heroes Foundation Comic Book

Speech: Launch of Heroes Foundation Comic Book

NALIS, 25th April, 2019: Remarks by Ronald Adams, VP, Operations, NGC

Good morning.

He moved like a bullet. In just over 10 seconds, he had defeated 4 fierce opponents with his muscle and steely resolve. Such was his strength in that moment that when he raised his arm at the finish, he lifted an entire nation thousands of miles away.

Ladies and gentlemen, the account of Hasely Crawford’s historic Montreal win could easily pass for script from a superhero comic. Better yet, the journey that led him to that achievement, his origin story, brings to mind all the illustrated heroes that rose to greatness from humble beginnings. It is therefore easy to see why the comic book is a perfect medium to share the story of our nation’s first gold-medal Olympian.

In 2018, NGC embarked on a journey with the Heroes Foundation to produce a unique graphic publication that would chronicle the early life and career of His Excellency Hasely Crawford. Today, I am thrilled to help the team launch the completed book: ‘A Runner’s Life—Lessons from an Olympian’. As we hoped, it has turned out to be a magnificent keepsake and important historical record.

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Speech: NACE Conference – CorrTrin 2019

Speech: NACE Conference – CorrTrin 2019

26th April, 2019: Remarks by Ron Adams, VP, Operations, NGC

It is my singular honor this morning to open the presentations at CorrTrin 2019 with some remarks on behalf of my company, The National Gas Company of Trinidad and Tobago Limited, NGC. As a point of departure for today’s sessions, I was specifically asked to share some thoughts on asset integrity, which is the framework within which today’s presentations will be delivered. Given that my remarks will pivot around operations at NGC, I thought it best to start with a broad overview of the business of my company.

As you can see, NGC operates a massive transmission and distribution network. The footprint of our infrastructure is so extensive that for us, asset integrity is not simply necessary for business continuity.

Our pipelines pass under towns and communities, along heavily trafficked roadways and through sensitive natural environments. We therefore make it a priority to maintain our assets, to prevent failures that could jeopardize public safety or disrupt ecosystems. Indeed, this is a responsibility that all operators in the industry share, so I commend NACE on bringing stakeholders together for exchange on this very relevant theme.

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Speech: NAAA 2018 Awards

Speech: NAAA 2018 Awards

Professor Gerry C. Brooks

5th January, 2019
It’s not where you start; it’s where you are going! Good is the enemy of great! Some key words which resonated in your theme – our route is excellence; destination is success!

2018 is now behind us! It was a building block year with the Commonwealth Games, the Youth Olympic Games and the Central American Games. Michelle Lee Ahye distinguished herself and was our 2018 Sportswoman of the Year. Jereem Richards, with courage and flair, captured the Sportsman of the Year award. Other athletes distinguished themselves this evening. Let’s recognise their achievements in 2018.

But colleagues 2018 is over! This is 2019–the beginning of a new year. We are 360 days away from a new decade – the 2020s. This must be our decade!

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Speech: Launch of Rethinking Energy Videos

Speech: Launch of Rethinking Energy Videos

President, Mark Loquan

29th November, 2018
Being invited to open today’s launch of the Rethinking Energy Video Series is truly one of the more rewarding of my responsibilities as President of NGC. Even more exciting, is the opportunity to participate in any exercise that urges us all to rethink this issue.

At NGC, ours is a mission of change which challenges some of the most fundamental assumptions about the culture of our people. In meeting the challenge of change, NGC’s key assumption is that if people know better, they will do better. This position is as much an article of faith in the people of Trinidad and Tobago as it is in the intelligence, talent and commitment of our partner in this project, Team IAMovement.

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Launch of NGC/NAAA Championship Month

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Speech: NGC Group Long-Service Awards

Speech: NGC Group Long-Service Awards

Chairman, Gerry C. Brooks

Ladies and gentlemen of the National Gas Company and National Energy, it is my absolute pleasure to welcome you as we mark another milestone year. I first wish to congratulate all of you, and I want to personally acknowledge and honour your dedicated service and outstanding contributions.

Two and a half years ago, I urged you to reach beyond the merely good to achieve the great. Good is the enemy of great. And so you did! at a time when the economic environment is still challenging but with green shoots of growth emerging, the ngc group has produced an encouraging performance, the highlight of which is a 37.3% increase in after-tax profit.

This profit increase represents more than just growth and success. It is a vindication of the strategic recalibration of the entire ngc group over the past two years. It also stands as irrefutable evidence of your response to the call to commit yourself to the success of this pivotal state enterprise.

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President, Mark Loquan

Good afternoon and a warm welcome to our awardees – our guests of honour at this celebratory event. As the speaker that stands between you and lunch, I know I need to be brief. However, please permit me a minute or two to reflect on why we are here this afternoon.

This is my first Awards Ceremony since assuming office, and I must admit, I am humbled by the experience gathered in this room. Seated among us are men and women who have spent decades serving The NGC Group and by extension, Trinidad and Tobago. Men and women who have helped forge the companies that are responsible for making this country a leading exporter of petrochemicals and LNG, attracting world class players to our shores. NGC and National Energy – these are brands. They were borne out of the imagination of people coming together and creating a new gas based industry. The people behind these organisations brought the idea of a gas based industry to life which has grown to become the engine for our economy.
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Speech: Launch of NGC’s National Heroes Project 2018

Speech: Launch of NGC’s National Heroes Project 2018

Good evening.

It is my singular honour to welcome you and bring opening remarks this evening, on behalf of NGC, as we launch the 2018 edition of NGC’s National Heroes Project. Ask a child to name a popular hero and many will return with Nelson Mandela, Mother Teresa, maybe Martin Luther King, or quite likely, a superhuman of ‘Avengers’ fame. Iconic heroes, all of them, but they do not belong to us.

NGC is a state enterprise that has built a world-class business on the industry and talent of local people, and we truly value the human capital of Trinidad and Tobago. What we as a people have been able to achieve in various fields of endeavor – energy, sport, music, art – is regarded with awe and respect the world over.

However, as a country, we too often fail to recognise and celebrate our own. The NGC National Heroes project, in some small way, is intended to teach our children to recognise and celebrate our own by having exhibitions such as these open to visits by students from all schools and walks of life. The men and women who have given their lives in service to this country may fade from memory, but through these projects, we intend to immortalise them with tribute.

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Speech: Maximising Value Through Collaboration

Maximising Value Through Collaboration

Speech by Senator the Honourable Franklin Khan, Minister of Energy and Energy Industries

22nd January, 2018
The 2018 Annual Energy Conference and Trade Show hosted by the Energy Chamber of Trinidad and Tobago is one of the premier energy events in the Western Hemisphere attracting the senior decision making executives from leading energy companies and other subsets of the industry.

I am therefore honoured to deliver the feature address to such a distinguished audience. On behalf of the Government Trinidad and Tobago, I extend a hearty welcome to participants of the Conference and trust that your participation is informative and rewarding.

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Speech: Right on Track Launch 2018

Right on Track Launch 2018

Remarks by Lisa Burkett, Manager, Corporate Communications

24th January, 2018
In sport, one of the essential keys to success is teamwork. Without mutual respect, encouragement and support, no athlete can reach his or her full potential. For more than 25 years, NGC has partnered with various national and community-based athletic organisations to elevate sport in Trinidad and Tobago.

NGC continues to recognise the importance of sport and so too the education system, in positively moulding productive citizens. As such, through sports, arts and culture we have taken a strategic approach to developing and empowering our nation’s youth.

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