NGC Group signs MOU; Deepens Business in Africa

NGC Group Signs MOU in Mozambique and Deepens Business in Africa

Sep 13, 2017
An NGC delegation, led by Chairman Gerry C. Brooks and which included NGC’s President, Mark Loquan and PPGPL’s Vice President Business Development, Alvin Dookie, deepened the NGC Group’s ties in East and West Africa last week after meeting with high level officials in Mozambique, Ghana and Tanzania.

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Media Release: NGC Hosts Tanzanian Gov’t Negotiating Team

NGC Hosts Tanzanian Government Negotiating Team

June 29, 2017
The National Gas Company of Trinidad and Tobago Limited (NGC) hosted a visiting delegation from the Government Negotiating Team (GNT) of the United Republic of Tanzania on June 28th 2017 at its Point Lisas Head Office. The Government of Tanzania, through its Ministry of Energy and Minerals, opened discussions with International Oil Companies (IOCs) for the negotiation of a Host Government Agreement (HGA) with a view to developing an LNG project. Discussions began in September 2016 and the Government of Tanzania constituted the GNT to meet with negotiating teams for the IOCs. To date, the IOCs and GNT have agreed to develop a term sheet separately in order to start negotiations which will develop the HGA.

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