Media Release: NGC and Rheingau in LNG Collaboration

Media Release

NGC and Rheingau in LNG collaboration

28th April 2019
As part of its thrust to increase value for the nationals of Trinidad and Tobago, The National Gas Company of Trinidad and Tobago Limited (NGC) continues to seek new business opportunities both locally and internationally in fulfilment of its strategic goals. NGC and Beijing Rheingau Investment Corporation (Rheingau) signed a Memorandum of Understanding to explore areas of cooperation. Rheingau is a subsidiary of CIC Capital Corporation, which is a subsidiary of China Investment Corporation. An affiliate of Rheingau and NGC, are both shareholders in Atlantic LNG Train 1.

The aforementioned partnership provided a springboard for further energy collaborations and is a significant milestone as NGC seeks to diversify its business and become an integrated player in the value chain. Both NGC and Rheingau entered into these discussions with a keen awareness of the opportunities for growth and expansion available to both organisations.

These potential areas of cooperation will include partnering on the sale of LNG from Atlantic’s Train 1 facility. Doing so with our partner in Train 1 will be key in the China market, where LNG demand and imports have been growing significantly and are projected for continued growth due to environmental policy.

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Photo 01: Mr Mark Loquan, President NGC; His Excellency, Stephen B. Seedansingh Jr. Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary, Embassy of the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago to the People’s Republic of China; The Hon., Dennis Moses, Minister of Foreign Affairs, Trinidad and Tobago; The Hon. Stuart Young, Minister in the Office of the Prime Minister, Trinidad and Tobago; Mr Ju Weimin, Vice Chairman and President, China Investment Corporation (CIC); Mr Benjamin Bao, Managing Director, CIC Capital Corporation; Ms Lu Yuling, Beijing Rheingau Investment Corporation; Mr Xu Zhiyu, Director, Department of Public Relations & International Cooperation, CIC.

Photo 02: Mr Mark Loquan, President NGC and Director; Ms Lu Yuling, Beijing Rheingau Investment Corporation.

NGC CNG: State of the Art CNG Station at Preysal

NGC CNG: State of the Art CNG Station at Preysal

A state of the art CNG and multi fuel service station is being constructed on the western side of the Preysal Interchange in Couva. NGC CNG, with parent company The National Gas Company (NGC), in partnership with the National Petroleum Marketing Company Limited (NPMC) will be constructing the facility, which will cater to the thousands of residents of the area and conveniently service commuters along the Sir Solomon Hochoy Highway. The fueling station represents Phase 1 of development work at the site, with a planned Phase 2 after the station is completed. The station is expected to be completed in 2019.

NGC CNG is a special purpose state company with a mandate to expand and improve the use of CNG across the country. The Preysal station, proposed to be the largest in the Caribbean, will be a flagship CNG station and will offer fast filling options for CNG customers, including electronic payments. Prof. Gerry C. Brooks, NGC Group Chairman confirmed, “This station will revolutionise the filling experience in Trinidad and Tobago. We have thousands of dedicated CNG users and this station is strategically positioned to service North-South commuters, transportation vehicles in the retail distribution and energy sectors and public transport.” He continued “In keeping with this country’s renewable energy mandate, solar technology will also be employed at the station, with the installation of solar panels on the canopy to power the station and to offer electric vehicle charging in the first phase.”

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CG Render of Station

TTNGL: TT$253M After-Tax Profit for Year Ended December 31, 2018

TTNGL Continues to Deliver

28th March, 2019

“Trinidad and Tobago NGL Limited (TTNGL) continues to provide excellent returns for its shareholders and is an excellent investment for the people of Trinidad and Tobago” declared Professor Gerry Brooks, Chairman of TTNGL.

For the year ended 31 December, 2018, TTNGL recorded profit after tax of TT253.0 million. This represents an 8.2% improvement over full year 2017 in which TT$233.7 million was recorded. Earnings per share increased to $1.63, a 7.9% improvement over the 2017 figure of $1.51. These earnings were driven by the deliberate efforts of Phoenix Park Gas Processors Limited (PPGPL) to maintain and where possible enhance margins in an environment that remains challenged.

For 2018, the share of profit from TTNGL’s investment in PPGPL improved by 12.0% to TT$242.6 million compared to TT$216.6 million in 2017, primarily as a result of increased revenue derived from enhanced Mont Belvieu product prices which were 27.9 % higher than 2017. The benefit of these price gains was maximized by ensuring sustained operating uptime of over 97% for the year. This is despite the lower natural gas supply to Point Lisas for processing, and the reduced Natural Gas Liquids (NGLs) content in the gas stream which tempered performance during the year.

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Media Release: NGC Supports Three Sponsored Steelbands

Media Release

Curating Our Culture, Building a Legacy: NGC Supports Three Sponsored Steelbands

19th February 2019
The National Gas Company of Trinidad and Tobago Limited (NGC) recently hosted panyard limes for three NGC-sponsored steelbands and their communities – NGC Couva Joylanders Steel Orchestra, NGC La Brea Nightingales Steel Orchestra and NGC Steel Xplosion out of Tobago, ahead of Panorama 2019.

This was done in an effort to drum up support for the bands for upcoming Panorama participation while providing an opportunity for employee engagement. Invitees to the panyard limes included band members, NGC employees and members of the community.

NGC’s focus on the national instrument is one of over two decades’ standing. Beyond provision of capital, efforts are made to support sustainability of the bands in order to secure their future. The bands are provided with capacity-building training for the management teams in order to increase operational efficiency, music literacy funding to train band members to read sheet music, and support to participate in steelband competitions, Panorama and beyond, in order to grow their profile.

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Media Release: Sustaining Entrepreneurship and Diversification—NGC meets with its LIC Sector

Media Release

Sustaining Entrepreneurship and Diversification—NGC meets with its LIC Sector

13th December 2018
The manufacturing sector represents a great opportunity for diversification of the national economy, increased employment for nationals and earning of much needed foreign exchange. On Thursday 22nd November, 2018, The National Gas Company of Trinidad and Tobago Limited (NGC) hosted its inaugural Light Industrial Commercial (LICs) Customer Forum. LICs are customers that utilize under 3000 Million British Thermal Units(MMBtu) of natural gas per day for commercial use, as opposed to other customers that fall within the other gas-using sectors.

These LICs comprise 120 local businesses, including Carib Glassworks Limited, Unilever Caribbean Limited, Bermudez Biscuit Company, Flavourite Foods Limited, National Flour Mills, Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) Service Stations and many others. In total, the manufacturing sector employs approximately 48,300 nationals, and as such has a significant socio-economic impact on our economy. In this vein of national interest, NGC made the decision to actively engage these customers at a time when there are several challenges to doing business. According to Mr. Mark Loquan, NGC President, “In order for us to be sustainable, you must be sustainable.”

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Media Release: NGC and IAMovement REthinking Energy Video Series

Media Release

NGC and IAMovement REthinking Energy Video Series

6th December 2018
On November 29th The National Gas Company of Trinidad and Tobago Limited (NGC) partnered with IAMovement to launch the REthinking Energy Video Series. This three-part animated video series is aimed at mass education of the Trinidad & Tobago public on: 

    Our natural gas shortage, and the opportunity cost
    Our Electricity Subsidy
    Solutions for T&T under the MEEI-EU Sustainable Energy Roadmap 2021-2030

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Media Release: NGC signs agreement with Nitrogen (2000) Unlimited

Media Release

NGC signs agreement with Nitrogen (2000) Unlimited

3rd December, 2018
The National Gas Company of Trinidad and Tobago Limited (NGC) and Nitrogen (2000) Unlimited (N2000) wish to announce that a new gas sales agreement has been signed, allowing for the continued operation of N2000’s world-scale anhydrous ammonia plant at the Point Lisas Industrial Estate. N2000’s sister plant is owned by Caribbean Nitrogen Company Limited (CNC), with which NGC signed an agreement less than a year ago in April 2018. The CNC and N2000 plants began production in 2002 and 2004 respectively.

NGC and N2000 began negotiations immediately following the conclusion of the CNC negotiations and the parties were able to agree upon and achieve the deadline for the conclusion of negotiations. Agreement was reached on terms and conditions that were acceptable to both parties in keeping with current and prospective industry conditions.

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Media Release: NGC-Sponsored Map to Build Investor Confidence

Media Release

NGC-Sponsored Map to Build Investor Confidence

27th November 2018
Tuesday 13th November 2018 was a special moment in the history of the Energy Map of the Caribbean as the 2018 Edition was launched at the Gas Exporting Countries Forum (GECF) Gas Symposium held at the Hyatt Regency Trinidad. The Gas Symposium was attended by Ministers of GECF Member Countries, Chief Executives of International and intergovernmental organizations, as well as international industry experts, and was held one day ahead of the 20 th GECF Ministerial Meeting on 14th November.

At the Map Launch, Mr. Mark Loquan, President of The National Gas Company of Trinidad and Tobago Limited (NGC), proudly noted that, “The Energy Map of the Caribbean is a snapshot of the energy landscape of the region, which gives details of each island’s energy resources and utilisation.”

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View the Energy Map of the Caribbean, 2018 Edition

Media Release: NGC Sponsors Three-Year Programme for Secondary Students

Media Release

NGC Sponsors Three-Year Programme for Secondary Students

As part of ongoing efforts to support and develop a national film industry, The National Gas Company of Trinidad and Tobago Limited (NGC) has partnered with the trinidad+tobago film festival (ttff) has on a three-year film development programme, ‘Shooting Stars’, for secondary school students. The trinidad+tobago film festival (ttff) celebrates films from and about the Caribbean and its diaspora, as well as from world cinema, through an annual festival and year- round screenings. In addition, the ttff seeks to facilitate the growth of Caribbean cinema by offering a wide-ranging industry programme and networking opportunities.

Shooting Stars was launched on Friday 2nd November 2018 at the VIP Room, Movie Towne, Port of Spain. Four secondary schools throughout Trinidad and Tobago have been selected to participate in the programme:

  • San Juan North Secondary
  • Couva East Secondary
  • Holy Faith Convent, Penal
  • Signal Hill Secondary School, Tobago

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Media Release: President of The National Gas Company to speak at Gas Symposium

Media Release

President of The National Gas Company to speak at Gas Symposium

Trinidad and Tobago will be at center stage at the gas-exporting countries forum taking place from November 12-14 at the Hyatt Regency.

The 20th Ministerial meeting of the Gas Exporting Countries Forum (GECF) will be declared open, on November 13, 2018, by the Prime Minister of Trinidad and Tobago, Dr. the Honourable Keith Rowley who will also give the Keynote Address. This will be followed by a panel discussion on the topic “Natural Gas and Long Term Energy Security” with Ministers of Energy of Algeria, Equatorial Guinea, Nigeria, Qatar, Trinidad and Tobago and Venezuela among others.

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