NGC CNG: State of the Art CNG Station at Preysal

NGC CNG: State of the Art CNG Station at Preysal

A state of the art CNG and multi fuel service station is being constructed on the western side of the Preysal Interchange in Couva. NGC CNG, with parent company The National Gas Company (NGC), in partnership with the National Petroleum Marketing Company Limited (NPMC) will be constructing the facility, which will cater to the thousands of residents of the area and conveniently service commuters along the Sir Solomon Hochoy Highway. The fueling station represents Phase 1 of development work at the site, with a planned Phase 2 after the station is completed. The station is expected to be completed in 2019.

NGC CNG is a special purpose state company with a mandate to expand and improve the use of CNG across the country. The Preysal station, proposed to be the largest in the Caribbean, will be a flagship CNG station and will offer fast filling options for CNG customers, including electronic payments. Prof. Gerry C. Brooks, NGC Group Chairman confirmed, “This station will revolutionise the filling experience in Trinidad and Tobago. We have thousands of dedicated CNG users and this station is strategically positioned to service North-South commuters, transportation vehicles in the retail distribution and energy sectors and public transport.” He continued “In keeping with this country’s renewable energy mandate, solar technology will also be employed at the station, with the installation of solar panels on the canopy to power the station and to offer electric vehicle charging in the first phase.”

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CG Render of Station

Media Release: NGC Restores Gas Supply to CNC

Media Release

NGC Restores Gas Supply to CNC

Apr 4th, 2018
The National Gas Company of Trinidad and Tobago Limited (NGC) is pleased to advise that effective 2nd April gas supply to Caribbean Nitrogen Company (CNC) resumed. This comes on the heels of the signing of a new Gas Sales Agreement on April 1, 2018, between the two companies.

This Gas Sales Agreement followed several months of complex and intense negotiations by CNC and the NGC management team, who continued to work assiduously and professionally to secure a mutually-acceptable agreement, resolving all outstanding issues between the parties.

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NGC CNG Speech: Opening of Diego Martin Service Station

NGC CNG: Formal Opening of the Diego Martin Service Station

Speech delivered by Gerry C. Brooks, Chairman, NGC Group

October 31, 2017
Good evening all and welcome to the formal opening of the Diego Martin Service Station. May I offer our congratulations to National Petroleum Marketing Company, NGC CNG and to all stakeholders involved with the construction and opening of this new multi-fuel service station. Today marks another important milestone – the deepening of CNG service in the North-West. it is the launch of the 12th station in the NGC CNG network as we move steadfastly towards our 30-station objective.

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Photo 01Energy Minister Franklin Khan (centre) is all smiles after attaching a CNG nozzle to a truck at the opening of NP Diego Martin gas station. Also in picture from left are: NP Chairman Mr Sahid Hosein, NGC Group Chairman Mr Gerry C. Brooks and NP CEO Mr Bernard Mitchell.
Photo 02NGC Group Chairman Mr. Gerry C. Brooks delivers remarks at the formal opening of the NP Diego Martin gas station.
Photo 03Customers fill up on CNG at the recently reopened NP Diego Martin gas station.
Photo 04The recently reopened NP Diego Martin gas station.

NGC CNG: Incentives to Maxi Taxis, Taxis and School Buses

NGC CNG Distributes Incentives to Maxi Taxis, Taxis and School Buses

Sep 12, 2017
Pt Lisas – NGC CNG Company Limited has started to distribute incentives to Maxi Taxi, Taxi, and Private School Bus owners who have transitioned to CNG.

On Wednesday September 6 th , several drivers who recently converted their vehicles to operate on CNG as their fuel of choice, or bought CNG powered vehicles, were presented with fuel cards by officials of NGC CNG. The Company is mandated by the Government of the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago to accelerate the use of CNG as a vehicular fuel, as well as increase the number of CNG fuelling points across the country.

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NGC CNG Employment: Maintenance Supervisor

NGC CNG Employment Opportunities

NGC CNG Company Limited (NGC CNG) was incorporated by the National Gas Company of Trinidad and Tobago (NGC) to execute the national mandate to expand and sustain the use of Compressed Natural Gas as an economic alternative to heavily-subsidised liquid fuels.

NGC CNG is currently seeking to recruit an outstanding, results-driven individual for the position of:

  • Maintenance Supervisor, CNG (Job ID# 11001)

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NGC CNG Media Release: Scotiabank Fleet Card Agreement


NGC CNG Company Limited and Scotiabank Trinidad and Tobago Limited Sign Fleet Card Agreement

June 14, 2017
NGC CNG Company Limited and Scotiabank have signed an agreement to provide fuel cards to vehicle owners who switch to CNG.

Part of the mandate of NGC CNG is to aggressively increase the demand for CNG as a vehicular fuel in tandem with the rapid expansion of the CNG fuel station roll out. NGC CNG is incentivising selected high mileage market segments e.g. taxi, maxi taxi and school bus drivers to switch to CNG, upon which they will receive an incentive of free CNG to a particular value.

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NGC CNG: Switch and Save with CNG!

Call all Registered Taxi Drivers, Maxi Drivers and Schoolbus Drivers

Switch and Save with CNG!

The NGC CNG Company Ltd. is offering the following grants and incentives towards your purchase of a CNG vehicle or conversion to CNG.
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Attention: Motorists and Pedestrians

Attention: Motorists and Pedestrians

Unipet Harkness Energy Limited CNG Service Station Project

The National Gas Company of Trinidad and Tobago Limited (NGC) will soon commence construction of a natural gas pipeline to the Unipet Harkness CNG Service Station that is currently being built at #2 Old Southern Main Road (SMR), McBean, Couva. The pipeline will begin from NGC’s existing Ø406mm (16”) natural gas line located west of the station’s location. It will run east for approximately 400m to the Old SMR and then proceed south for approximately 60m along the Old SMR before turning east into the station’s compound.
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NGC CNG Employment – Sales, Marketing Coord; Sales Rep

Employment Opportunities


NGC CNG Company Limited (NGC CNG) was incorporated by The National Gas Company of Trinidad and Tobago (NGC) to execute the national mandate to expand and sustain the use of Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) as an economic alternative to heavily-subsidised liquid fuels.

NGC CNG is currently seeking to recruit outstanding, results-driven individuals for the positions of:

  • Sales and Marketing Coordinator – NGC CNG (Job ID #10401)
  • CNG Sales Representative (Job ID #10381)

CNC3 News 3 February 2017 – CNG Buses