Media Release: NGC Sanfest Launches

Media Release

NGC Sanfest Launches – Be Different, Be Y.O.U.

19th September 2018
“Our country does not just need doctors and engineers. We must see the commercial value of creative talent, sporting talent and the like, and support children if their interest and abilities lie in these areas. Difference can prove to be a tremendous advantage.” These were the words of NGC Director Mr. Kenneth Allum at the 2018 launch of NGC Sanfest on Thursday 13th September 2018 at the Southern Academy for the Performing Arts in San Fernando. The National Gas Company of Trinidad and Tobago Limited (NGC) forged a relationship with The San Fernando Arts Council (SFAC) and the Sanfest Committee as the iconic arts festival’s title sponsor in 2013.

This year is no different, with participants being challenged by the festival’s theme to ‘Be Different, Be Y.O.U’ (Yourself, Originally Made, Unique). Deviating from the traditional venue of the Creative Arts Centre, a difference in itself, the launch signified the beginning of what is to be an invigorated festival. This year’s theme was also captured in remarks delivered by NGC Director Kenneth Allum. He noted that, “Our nation, two weeks ago, celebrated 56 years of independence. For more than half a century, we have had the freedom to define ourselves, to tell the world – this is what makes us who we are, what makes us unique among nations… In this context, the theme of NGC Sanfest 2018 – with its emphasis on being true to self, original and unique – becomes more than just a call to embrace difference at the individual level. It is an invitation to the entire country to see the culture that sets us apart as a thing of value.”

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48th Annual Junior Arts Festival Syllabus

48th Annual Junior Arts Festival


It is time we start thinking of difference as a quality to celebrate.

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When Youth is Empowered

When Youth is Empowered

Mr. NGC Sanfest, the multi-talented Kevan Calliste, has reigned supreme for the third consecutive year in one of the most hotly-contested schools’ Carnival competitions: the National Junior Extempo Monarch. We congratulate him warmly on his strong hold on the Extempo crown!

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NGC Sanfest 2017 Collection of Certificates and Awards

NGC Sanfest 2017 Collection of Certificates and Awards

Calling All Participants and Winners of NGC Sanfest 2017

It’s Collection Time

Creative Arts Centre
97C Circular Road
Mon Repos, San Fernando

27th November to 1st December

9:00am to 2:30pm

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NGC Sanfest 2017 – Congratulations


To all who Came… To all who Saw… And to all who Excelled and gve their all…

NGC and the San Fernando Arts Council congratulate all the winners and participants of NGC Sanfest 2017 47th Annual Junior Arts Festival!

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Speech: NGC Sanfest Command Performance Day 2

NGC Sanfest Command Performance Day 2

November 8, 2017
I bring warmest greetings on behalf of The National Gas Company of Trinidad and Tobago Limited (NGC), proud title sponsors of this magnificent extravaganza of the Arts for yet another year.

Writer and Nobel Laureate Elie Wiesel commented that without memory, there is no culture. Because of their origins in our past, many aspects of our culture and traditions can come to be viewed as outdated or obsolete, no longer relevant. If we are not watchful, our cultural inheritance could be lost to oblivion. We need to understand that culture is not an ancestral creation to be kept in a glass box and handled with care. Unlike artefacts and relics, in order to be preserved culture must be aired, it must be engaged. The more we remember and share and handle our culture, the stronger it will become.

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Speech: NGC Sanfest Command Performance Day 1

NGC Sanfest Command Performance Day 1

November 7, 2017
I am so happy to represent The National Gas Company of Trinidad and Tobago Limited (NGC) as we celebrate the talent of our youth at this much anticipated, first Command Performance of the NGC Sanfest 2017.

The San Fernando Junior Arts Festival is a space where thoughts, ideas and stories find expression in the most creative artistic media; it is a stage for imagination and talent to combine and explode. The standard of performance and creative output at this festival gets better every year, and that is one reason why NGC continues to renew this investment. We are also keenly aware of the potential of this festival to impact and shape our future in a number of important ways, most notably in the sphere of culture.

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47th Annual Junior Arts Festival – NGC Sanfest 2017

NGC Sanfest 2017

47th Annual Junior Arts Festival

Command Performances
Celebrate the stars of the future!

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Speech: NGC Sanfest Pan Ensemble Finals

NGC Sanfest Pan Ensemble Finals

Remarks by Fofi George CR Officer, NGC

November 3, 2017
Today is not a day for speeches. Today, we want pan to do the talking, so I will be very brief in my greetings this morning. Just as The National Gas Company of Trinidad and Tobago Limited (NGC) is thrilled to be a part of NGC Sanfest, I am thrilled to be here to see these young children make music. There are three things in particular about this event that make me especially happy, and they have to do with what this event tells me about our past, present, and future.

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Speech: Mr and Miss NGC Sanfest Teen Talent Competition

Mr and Miss NGC Sanfest Teen Talent Competition 2017

Remarks by Lisa Burkett, Manager, Corporate Communications, NGC

October 29, 2017
If there is one thing of which we at The National Gas Company of Trinidad and Tobago Limited (NGC) are certain, it is that the NGC Sanfest, one of our flagship investments, has a long and healthy future ahead of it. At the age of 47, the festival’s vitality continues to strengthen, and we are proud to stand as title sponsors especially now, as the work of the NGC Sanfest takes on a new dimension of importance. Our nation sits at a critical junction of our history, and the NGC Sanfest has a central role to play in the path we take forward.

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