Above-Ground Installations
Beachfield Operations Beachfield is the focal point of transmission lines that branch outwards.....
Beachfield Operations
Beachfield is the focal point of transmission lines that branch outwards to various locations in the country’s vast pipeline corridors. The above-ground slug catcher at Beachfield is a major centralized natural gas and condensate processing facility with a design throughput capacity of 3Bcf, and processes supplies from NGC’s 24″, 30″, and 36″ pipelines in one location, and handles of 5,000 barrels of condensate. This critical facility features a process control system and a process safety system with a Human Machine Interface that is monitored by control operators. There is also a high level of redundancy, including a standby power system to support continued reliable operations.
The Beachfield gas and condensate processing operations make up a complex system due to the equipment, systems and processes used. In addition, the commingling of gas from different sources and the tie-ins and modifications necessary to facilitate integration, bypass and separation add to the complexity of the system.
Beachfield Launcher Station
As its name implies, NGC uses this station to launch pigs from Beachfield in the 24, 30 and 36-inch departing transmission pipelines. All three pipelines are interconnected at this facility and operators have the flexibility to divert gas flow from one pipeline to another. The 48-inch gas outlet line from the BUD slug catcher is also connected here.
The Phoenix Park Valve Station
The Phoenix Park Valve Station (PPVS), located at Savonetta adjacent to the Point Lisas Industrial Estate, is owned and operated by NGC.
It is a highly critical facility in NGC’s pipeline system as it serves to remove liquids from the gas flow before it is transported to Phoenix Park Gas Processors Limited (PPGPL) via a 48-inch diameter pipeline. PPGPL removes the heavier gases and the dry (residue) gas is then returned to the PPVS. From there, the dry (residue) gas is distributed to NGC’s customers in Point Lisas and across the country.
Gas from various sources is blended together at NGC’s Beachfield operations. Gas is then transported to PPVS via three pipelines (30-inch, 36-inch, and 24-inch / 20-inch diameter).
The PPVS facility serves to remove liquid (inclusive of steady state liquids, pig-induced liquid slugs and/or “swept” liquid slugs) from the gas flow, and route the gas to Phoenix Park Gas Processors Limited (PPGPL) via a 48-inch-diameter pipeline. The PPVS also receives dry (residue) gas from PPGL via a “blending manifold” at Phoenix Park Intermediate Station (PPIS). The PPIS facilitates the distribution of gas to the end users at the Point Lisas Industrial Estate, and to the electric power generation plants in Point Lisas, California and Penal, among other commercial customers.
In the event that PPGPL cannot meet the demand of NGC’s customers, there is the option to bypass a fraction of the flow onto the “wet gas bypass” directly to the end users. In the latter scenario, adequate contingency measures are employed to ensure obligations for supply to customers are met.
Tobago Natural Gas Receiving Facility
NGC’s onshore Gas Receiving Facility in Tobago is located at Cove Eco Estate and Business Park, adjacent to the T&TEC Power Plant.
It was designed to operate with two independent processing trains each with a capacity of 100MMscf/d and a metering system for measuring the gas volumes sold. At present only one processing train has been installed and therefore the facility’s current processing capacity is 100MMscf/d.
This facility has many safety and environmentally- friendly features. For example, it boasts of a ground flare, the first of its kind in the country. There is, therefore, no visible or open flame smoke emanating from the flare. This feature is consistent with Tobago’s theme of “Clean, Green and Serene.” In addition, all condensate removed from the gas stream is stabilized, collected and safely stored in two tanks equipped with bund walls to prevent leakage of the contents into the environment. Another safety feature is its sophisticated Programmable Logic Control (PLC) system which will monitor and control in real time all process operations at the facility.
Union Gas Receiving Facility
The Union Industrial Estate Gas Receiving Facility (UIEGRF) receives natural gas and associated liquids from the 56″ Cross Island Pipeline from Rousillac Launcher Station (RLS). The facility is equipped with a 100 barrel capacity finger-type slug catcher. Gas exiting the slug catcher passes through a metering station and is fed to downstream customers. The pipeline is equipped with launcher and receiver for maintenance and in-line inspection pigging operations.
The primary large customers of UIEGRF is a major power plant, T&T’s Methanol Plant and its first dimethyl ether (DME) facility. Light industrial customers (LIC) are also fed from a low pressure outlet from UIEGRF.
UIEGRF is a 24-hour manned facility with a scope of operations which include:
- Liquid management
- Custody transfer
- Transmission and distribution
- Pressure regulation