"Friends, I have a dream. As clear in my mind as it is dear to my heart. I see pan taking wing and soaring to great heights. With the realisation of this project, I am more convinced than ever that that dream is within reach."

For NGC – a keen sponsor of the arts and culture for many years – the steelpan has been one of the most enduring and rewarding investments. Beginning in the 1990s with its assistance of unsponsored bands across the country, NGC’s corporate support eventually evolved into a more structured partnership with three bands in its fenceline communities – NGC La Brea Nightingales, NGC Couva Joylanders and NGC Steel Xplosion from Tobago.
Today, NGC is focused on building the sustainability of the national pan industry. The Company has invested in a number of initiatives to build capacity among pannists, including training in music literacy and pan manufacturing and tuning. Now, NGC is turning investment attention towards building a repository of music scores for locally produced pan compositions.
In partnership with The University of the West Indies (The UWI), NGC is documenting the compositions performed by its sponsored bands at Panorama. In this way, the Company is not only generating practical instructional material for students of pan, but simultaneously honouring and preserving the art of three talented, young steelbands in Trinidad and Tobago. To date, six publications have been made available for free public use. These cover three skill levels - Primary School, Secondary School and Masters. Here, you can access these resources, and other useful information for pan stakeholders.
Preserving Culture,
Developing An Art
There has been a growing realisation within the music community that the preservation of the work of arrangers in a form that can be accessed by literate musicians is critical to ensuring the long-term survival of these music forms. In support of this NGC recently launched its Steelband Music Scoring Project at Under the Trees, Hotel Normandie. The scored music in e-booklet form is the result of a project involving the recording and scoring of six songs performed by our sponsored bands over two Panorama seasons, and was a collaboration with the University of the West Indies (UWI). NGC also plans to continue with this initiative which will see steelband music being scored and shared with the public on an ongoing basis.
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Steelpan Selections
Music Score Booklets
Select Year